Home / XO Signature / Biggie Small Biggie Small$85.00 – $175.00 With long-lasting and tropical florals, you can’t go wrong with our Biggie our Smalls. The standard size is for our “Smalls” and the Deluxe size is for our “Biggie”, so you can pick which size suits you best. Size Choose an optionStandardDeluxeStandardDeluxe Clear Prefered Flowers to include Flowers to EXCLUDEInspiration to consider ( can include SKUs, Links, or just a description of what you have in mind What is the Occasion ?What is the Relationship with the Recipient? Biggie Small quantity Add to cart Related products Blooming $175.00 – $300.00 Westlake Blooms $150.00 XO Letter $450.00 Saturn Blooms $150.00 – $200.00